Being an irrigation tech at LandTech is an extremely important position. Water is the most important factor in managing landscaping in Arizona.
Our irrigation techs:
Understand proper watering techniques
Understand irrigation components
Diagnose problems
Think creatively
Pay attention to detail
Have integrity
Are self-motivated
Have a great attitude
Manage multi-property portfolio
Property location (cross streets, building numbers, unit numbers, property lines/areas of responsibility)
Irrigation mapping and location of components (clocks, valves, backflows, emergency shut off, etc.) on each property
Maintenance foremen, mow, and service schedules
Understand the purpose/goal of each type of inspection
Routine Inspection
Pick a controller to inspect
Controller Check List:
Property irrigation controller map
Area of coverage is designated
Controller is named
Size/# of stations
Access combo if applicable
Controller door is secure, accessible, and key works properly
Display and operation
Power is on
Date and time is correct
Operating without any glitches or broken components (dials, buttons, screen, door, etc)
Irrigation programming chart is current
Make any notes/photos of repairs needed.
Start station 1, locate valve.
Valve Check List:
Check to see that valve is working
Box is clean
Wire connections are good
Leaks in the valve box.
Make any notes/photos of repairs needed
While the water is running, walk and visually inspect every emitter or sprinkler.
Sprinkler Check list:
Ensure proper coverage and match precipitation rates
Clogged or broken nozzles or sprinklers
Check for rotation
Sprinkler height
Nozzle size
Make any notes/photos of repairs needed.
Drip Check List:
Ensure all emitters to plants and trees are in the proper location and functioning properly.
Identify signs of any lateral leaks
Make any notes/photos of repairs needed.
Utilize flags, notepad, and camera to mark repairs and parts needed.
Repeat steps for all stations on controller
Compile all repairs needed for controller and estimate hours needed to complete repairs.
If estimated hours exceed 8hrs, start repair process.
If estimated hours do not exceeed 8hrs, repeat inspection process on the next controller until estimated hours exceed 8hrs.
Text 480-695-0907 for PO# to buy parts needed.
Be sure to include the property name and type of repairs/parts needed.
Once you have a PO, pick up parts at nearest Horizon and reference PO number when making purchase at the counter.
Make all repairs for this controller