Over the month of September, mow heights are lowered with each mow to prepare for overseeding with winter ryegrass. The final scalp is typically done in October, one week prior to, or on the day of seeding. The best time to overseed is when daytime temperatures are in the 70°s, and overnight lows are above the 50°s. Throughout October, we watch closely for overwatering, seed movement, or dry sections.

S C A L P : Successful seeding will require the bermuda grass to be mowed very low or “scalped.” Scalping is crucial to a successful seeding process. It eliminates competition for your new seed, helps the seed make contact with the soil, and allows sunlight to reach the sprouts as they grow in. Remember that scalping to the dirt level can damage the Bermuda grass, making it struggle to come back from dormancy next spring.
S E E D : There are a lot of different type of ryegrass blends, all classified by perennial, annual or blended. We highly recommend using perennial ryegrass. Plan on using 10-20 pounds of seed per 1000 square feet of turf area. Seed should be applied in a crosshatch pattern. Throw the seed evenly in one direction, then again in the other direction (perpendicular to the first).Be careful that the application in both directions Is even. If you don’t, you will end up with thin or thick patches and stripes. The edges can be spot-seeded by hand as needed. Mulching is optional, but can help insulate the seed if temperatures have cooled sooner than expected, or if you get a late start to the overseeding game. Mulching helps retain moisture for the seeds and guarantees seed-to-soil contact. We also recommend applying mulch on steep slopes, which will help hold seed in place when watering.
W A T E R : Proper watering is always important for your grass, but it is crucial during overseeding. Watch for leaks or broken heads! This can wash away your perfect seed spreading job. Before you seed and especially after, ensure every inch of your grass area is getting wet. Keep track of the time it takes to dampen the soil but not cause pooling or any seed movement. The time will vary with each area depending on the type of sprinkler and head layout. Be sure to have multiple start times throughout the day so the seed doesn’t dry out and die.

Pop-Up Spray

Pop-Up Rotor


G R O W T H : Monitor and inspect the grass everyday. Watch for overwatering, seed movement, or dry sections. Spot seed, mulch, and make adjustments to the water as needed. In about 10 days, your brand new baby seeds should begin to sprout or germinate. Watering schedules should be maintained until the grass has covered the area. After this, the water can start to slowly decrease. Once your grass is well established, it’s time to prepare it for mowing. Watering will be cut back to once every day, or every- other day and run times will be increased. We like our grass to be tall with well established roots before performing the first mow.