Employees work (4) 10-hour days per week.
If you are interested in working extra days or extra time, please request form your supervisor.
All employees must arrive 10min before punching in to help ensure all tools, vehicles and trailers are ready for the work day.
Winter Hours:
October 1st - May 1st
6:00am-4:30pm, with a 30min lunch
Summer Hours:
May 1st - October 1st
5:00am-3:30pm, with a 30min lunch
Punching in/out is the only way hours will be accepted/accounted for.
With AI face recognition software, employees will be verified only by clear and complete photos of face. If face is not fully visible then punch-in will not register.
Supervisor may not add time or hours to an employee when there is a no punch day, unless it has been approved through HR.
Overtime must be approved or it will not be paid
Paychecks will be handed out at the end of shift on Thursday.
Checks and direct deposits are funded every Friday.
Available sick/vacation time is listed on paystubs weekly.
Sick and vacation time is accrued hourly
50 hours work = 1 hour vacation time (annual max 60 hours)
33 hours work = 1 hour sick time (annual max 24 hours)
If scheduled work days are cancelled due to weather or conditions out of their control, employees will still be compensated for that day.
No overtime will be paid for these days/hours.
Maximum of 10 hours per pay period.
Paid Holidays are: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Year's Day
Unpaid holidays are: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day
Missed hours due to rain, unpaid holidays, or unpaid absences are available to make up as approved.
Time Off
Schedule Request Line
If an employee will not be present for their entire shift, they must notify and/or request time off by calling the Employee Hotline at 480-434-8287 and leaving a message with their name, crew number, date, and reason for absence.
This line is available 24 hours a day, in english and spanish.
Approved vacation (2 weeks in advance)
Any vacation time must be requested through the employee request line 2 weeks in advance, and must be approved.
Not all requested vacation time will be approved depending on work-load, time of year, and other vacation requests.
Excused absence (24 hours in advance)
Not paid.
Employee must request through the employee request line 24 hours before their next shift. Supervisor must approve request.
Excessive excused absences will affect your future increases, promotions, and positions in the company.
Sick Time (30min before scheduled shift)
Employee must call the employee request line at least 30 minutes before the scheduled work time to notify them that he/she is sick.
No sick time will be approved retroactively.
Unexcused absence
Not paid
Employee must request time off through employee request line within 30minutes of scheduled shift. Supervisor denies request.
Excessive unexcused absences will affect your future increases, promotions, and positions in the company.
No call/No show
If employee does not notify supervisor within 30 minutes of shift, it will be considered a no-call/no-show.
After (3) occurrences of no-call/no-show, employee will be terminated.
Arriving Late
Excessive tardiness will affect your future increases, promotions, and positions in the company.
If an employee is 30 minutes later, causing coworkers to wait, a deduction of $100 will be assessed due to the cost of unproductive crew time. Communication of unusual circumstances is key to avoiding this assessment.
All approved time off will be on the time off calendar. It is up to the employee and their supervisor to verify if their time off is approved and on the calendar.
A doctor’s note is required when 3 or more consecutive sick days are taken
Lunch and Breaks
Water and resting breaks will be given throughout the day, per the Supervisor's direction.
A 30-minute lunch break must be taken in the middle of the scheduled shift for any shift over 8 hours.
The entire crew must take lunch at the same time.
At any moment, an employee or supervisor may request for a formal, in-person meeting to discuss compensation or performance (job responsibilities, raises, promotion, demotion, position change, etc.).
If requesting a raise or promotion, the employee requesting for the change must have themself or their supervisor submit a work order with the employees name, stating they would like a meeting about their position/compensation.
From there, the meeting will be scheduled within 10 working days.
Please come prepared to discuss specific reasons for compensation or position changes (positive or negative)
Company gas cards
Company gas cards are only to be used to fuel a company vehicle for work purposes, mowers, and gas cans for power equipment. Gas cards are never to be used for personal vehicles or for personal use of a company vehicle.
Gas card is the responsibility of the crew driver.
Gas card is always to be linked to the vehicle key.
Crew driver will be assigned a "Driver ID" to enter at the pump (along with the current vehicle mileage) for each and every purchase. This ID number is not to be shared with anyone. The driver is responsible for every purchase made with this driver ID. Any unauthorized purchases made with this driver ID will be deducted from the driver's check.
Company credit/debit cards
Credit/Debit cards are entrusted to select employees for the strict purpose of company purchases. (These are seperate from the gas cards).
Any card or PIN are the responsibility of the employee and are not to be shared with anyone.
Employees with cards are required to have a PO for each and every purchase made with their card. If any purchase is made without a PO number issued prior to purchase, the purchase amount will be deducted from the employee's check.
Even if instructed to make a purchase by a supervisor, employee is responsible for obtaining a PO number from the office or owner prior to making a purchase.
After purchase, receipts can be emailed to
Company Devices
Select employees/positions are entrusted with company devices (such as iPhones, iPads, laptops, etc.)
The employee assigned to these devices are solely responsible for their condition/care and the use of the device.
Company devices are to be used for work purposes only - no personal use, contact information, apps, content, etc.
If employee is found to be misusing a company device, they will be written up for the misuse. Additional consequences will be enforced at the discretion of the supervisor.
Company devices are expected to always be charged, with notifications turned on. Employees with devices are expected to be available to answer/respond to communication (call, text, email, etc.) for work related concerns/emergencies at any time.
Maintenance Crews, Tree Crews, and Construction Crews:
Must wear clean, presentable uniform shirt during the entire shift
Must wear solid color pants that are not baggy, ripped/torn
Must wear work boots with thick soles to prevent being punctured by thorns.
Spray Techs:
Must wear clean, presentable uniform shirt during the entire shift
Must wear solid color pants that are not baggy, ripped/torn
Must wear work boots with thick soles to prevent being punctured by thorns.
Must wear PPE as required by chemical(s) they are working with.
Irrigation Techs:
Must wear clean, presentable uniform shirt during the entire shift
Must wear solid color pants or shorts
Must wear work boots or tennis shoes
If an employee is not wearing a uniform in the morning, they will be sent home, and it will be marked as an unexcused absence.
Employees can request additional uniform shirts and hats through their supervisor.
Work orders are the way that we communicate to each other internally. We are a team and are happy to have an our crews working together to ensure our customers are happy. Work orders are not negative - they are helpful
Please use them as your personal notepad/to-do list or to report any issues or requests.
Supervisors, foreman, spray techs, and irrigation techs are responsible for reviewing and preparing for all of their work orders every day. Along with periodically checking work orders throughout the day.
Work orders will be communicated to the foreman by Dispatch and on the company calendar.
Work Order Procedure:
Enter in the date and your name/crew
Select Equipment if you have issues or requests about your crew's equipment, tools, vehicle, trailer, etc.
Enter equipment ID number and/or a description of the piece of equipment to help identify the correct equipment
Select Maintenance if you have any work orders to report relating to the properties (irrigation, plants, trees, weeds, etc.)
Enter the property name and an address/unit number/park/section number to help locate the issue
Provide as much detail about the issue as possible.
Attached any photos that help show the issue you are reporting and the location.
Irrigation work orders
Work orders are submitting through the work order phone, by email, phone, text, and verbally. All of these are communicated to dispatch.
Work orders are then added to the work order log and visible on the irrigation page and on the individual property pages.
As soon as a new work order is created, dispatch will notify the assigned tech.
It is also the responsibility of the irrigation tech to check their work orders everyday at the beginning of work and at the end of the day.
Irrigation techs must notify dispatch as soon as a work order is complete via text or phone call to 480-434-8287, or by email to
Efficiency is important! It is expected that an irrigation tech completes all work orders at a given property before they move on to the next property, unless given approval from a supervisor or dispatch.
It is dispatch's responsibility to manage/monitor/edit the status of work orders on the work order log.
The tech is responsible for communicating status of works orders that might be incorrect or not updated (i.e. completed work order still showing open).
All service reports must be filled out before leaving the property.
Equipment will be washed and maintained by the crew according to the company wash schedule.
Power wash all equipment and clean out vehicles.
Regular wear-and-tear of equipment will be maintained and covered by LandTech.
Every piece of equipment, tools, and other miscellaneous items provided to the employees will be inventoried monthly by shop manager and supervisor.
Any items that are missing, lost, stolen, or damaged will be brought to the attention of the responsible parties and discussions will be had on accountability.
Employees should immediately report any missing, damaged, or stolen equipment to their supervisor.
Lost/Stolen/Damaged Equipment Guidelines:
Equipment loss or damage by accident (not negligence or irresponsibility) will be covered by LandTech.
Equipment loss or damage due to negligence/irresponsibility will be compensated by the individual or crew after review of incident.
Participating in any of the following at any time or location (including shop, in the trucks, on property, at the dump, at lunch, at gas stations, stores, etc) during your scheduled shift, and/or while wearing a LandTech uniform:
Possession of firearms, weapons, drugs, alcohol
Illegal activity of any sort
Indecent exposure