job responsibilities
Landtech standards
grass foreman
Show up to the yard 10min before your scheduled shift
Arrive to the shop in uniform, awake, healthy, and ready to work
Punch in on time (at start of scheduled shift)
Make sure face is visible in picture
Check email/calendar for special instructions for the day
Check with supervisor for any special instructions for the day
Verify what tools and safety equipment your crew will need for the day
Verify your crew is all present
Notify supervisor of any absent crew members
Verify crew members are in uniform
Help your crew load tools and equipment you will need for the day
Including power equipment, hand tools, safety equipment, chains, oil, etc.
Go to QT on country club to fill up truck
Drive to property, wearing seatbelt
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Return to yard
Unload tools and equipment and return them to their designated location
Create work orders for any equipment issues or needs outside of regular service
Leave equipment with shop manager for servicing based on company calendar and wash schedules
Check email/calendar and with supervisor for special instructions for equipment
Check email/calendar and with supervisor for special instructions for the next day
Park truck and trailer following shop parking procedures
Punch out as soon as equipment, trucks, and trailers are put away properly
Make sure face is visible in pictures
Go to area you are working in
As a whole crew, walk the area you’re servicing
Assign tasks/tools to specific people
Have the crew begin working
Perform all tasks as trained to the LandTech Standard of that task
While crew is beginning work, Foreman+ FIT perform property inspection and detail services
Make note of issues the crew will need to take care of while on site today
Submit any work orders needed at the property for other crews to complete
Detail high profile areas (entrances, monuments, parks, amenities)
Trash pick up, raking, blowing, weeds, dead plants
Go back and continue working with crew throughout grass sections and weekly high-visibility sections
When the crew is done at the property, drive the entire property together
Take care of areas/details that may have been missed
Submit any work orders for other crews to complete
Submit service report before continuing to next property
grass Labor
Show up to the yard 10min before your scheduled shift
Arrive to the shop in uniform, awake, healthy, and ready to work
Punch in on time (at start of scheduled shift)
Make sure face is visible in picture
Follow instructions from foreman according to the LandTech Standards
Maintain professional attitude and appearance at all times
Punch out as soon as equipment, trucks, and trailers are put away properly
Make sure face is visible in pictures
Remove broken branches
Submit work order with photos and location details for branches, fallen trees, storm damage if issue is too big for grass crew to complete
- Clearance trim for low-hanging branches, branches touching roofs, walls, etc.
Tree Stakes
Remove stakes from trees that are no longer needed
Leaning trees
Broken stakes
Broken/damaged/misplaced tree ties
Remove dead plants
Perform clearance trimming around sidewalks and entry ways
Remove trash and debris from plants
Remove large weeds and spray with backpack sprayer
Report sections to be treated by spray tech
Remove weeds from plants
Remove and spray tree volunteers
Remove weeds in monuments and planters
Remove weeds in cracks and sidewalks
Report possible irrigation issues:
Dry grass
Missing/Broken/Damaged sprinkler
Stressed plants and trees
Check monuments, entrances, parks, and amenities and service as needed
Clean up trash
Service dog stations and community trash cans
Check condition of flowers, plants, and trees
Report any issues/damaged gates, playground equipment, lighting, etc
Spot blow where needed